The Advocata Institute said yesterday (15) it has completed four years as an independent policy think tank in Sri Lanka. The institute was established in April 2016 as a platform to discuss issues of economic freedom, progress and prosperity in Sri Lanka. Since its inception, the organisation has actively engaged in policy debates in Sri Lanka and hopes that it has contributed positively to the discussion.
The Advocata Institute started with its flagship report on state owned enterprises, and has since then published on price controls and barriers to enterprise. The Advocata Institute co-hosted Atlas Network’s Asia Liberty Forum in 2019 with 250 academics, with leading economic and policy thinkers from over 30 countries in attendance. The launch of their Red Tape project earlier this year, to identify and advocate against legal and regulatory restrictions faced by businesses in Sri Lanka, provided entrepreneurs with a powerful platform to express their thoughts. In the recent past, The Advocata Institute brought together leaders in the export, tourism and the banking and finance industry to unpack the consequences of Covid-19 on the economy. Advocata looks forward to hosting virtual events as the ‘new normal’ unfolds in Sri Lanka.
The Advocata Institute set a high standard for think tanks in the country as they earned a place in the ‘Go to Think Tank Global Index’ by the University of Pennsylvania in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, Advocata’s report on State-Owned enterprises in Sri Lanka, written in 2016 gained a place on the coveted list of the Best Policy Study-Reports.
“I would like to thank our Chair Mr. Murtaza Jafferjee, our Chair for the Academic Programme Dr. Rajapatirana as well as our board of advisors, policy makers, public representatives and party leaders who have shown their support by receiving and sharing their policy briefs, the media and the citizens of Sri Lanka” expressed Dhananath Fernando, the Chief Operating Officer.
The Advocata Institute looks forward to venturing into exciting research in economic policy in the upcoming year. For more information on The Advocata Institute, visit
Advocata is an independent policy think tank based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. We conduct research, provide commentary and hold events to promote sound policy ideas compatible with a free society in Sri Lanka. Visit for more information.
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