The Lotus rises from the mud. Yet, it’s unblemished, and rises pure and spectacular, over the slime and the stagnant conditions below. That’s why the symbol of Lotus Renewable Energy Private Ltd., (LREP) befits a Green Energy Company such as Lotus.
Mr. Gary Seaton, the new Chairman of Lotus Hydro Power PLC, (formerly known as Browns Hydro Power PLC) says, ‘We do a powerful, power intensive, innovative job and Lotus uses state of the art technology for a greener world, and would power Sri Lanka to enter a cleaner but more energy intensive future.’
He also says that Lotus believes in protecting the environment because that’s the fount of all life on the planet, adding, ‘the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is paramount if we are to protect our water, air land and oceans, which in turn will support the inhabitants of the earth.’
That’s the Lotus guiding philosophy in a nutshell. Lotus being a Multinational Renewable Energy company with its operations across India, Singapore and Australia, is planning to expand its business in Sri Lanka’s power generation sector.
The Company’s path to power creation in Sri Lanka, is to buy over some of the existing power suppliers in Sri Lanka. ‘Lotus Renewable Energy Pvt Ltd., took over the Browns Hydro Power operations, as a strategy to expand its market presence in Sri Lanka, as it is well committed towards cleaner and greener energy’ says Mr. Menaka Athukorala, Director at Lotus.
‘It’s our Corporate ideal, and the particular ideal of a green energy company such as ours to rise above the environmental depredations usually caused by industry, and gather pure energy,’ says Mr. Gowri Shankar, non-executive Director of LREP.
Lotus’s path to success in Sri Lanka is to capture the power generation market incrementally. It’s a goal that is in tandem with the country’s power generation policy, with Sri Lanka generating 5 per cent of power needs through renewables in 2013, a share that is set to increase to 20 per cent of power needs, by 2030.
Lotus Hydro Power PLC, now consists of four mini hydro plants, with a total installed capacity of 4.9 MWp. Lotus is planning to acquire few more existing Hydro power plants, and consolidate its market further.
Lotus’s global expertise and their experience is to run any power plant efficiently by reengineering and optimizing the operational efficiencies of the plant. Lotus feels that everybody is a stakeholder in preserving the bounty of Mother Nature. Lotus would therefore consult and collaborate with all those interested stakeholders in Sri Lanka, to deliver cleaner, greener energy for Sri Lanka.
Photo caption: (From left) Mr. Gowri Shanjer – Non-Executive Director, Browns Hydro Power PLC; Mr. Menaka Atukorala – Non-Executive Director, Browns Hydro Power PLC; Mr. Indrajith Fernando – Non-Executive Director, Browns Hydro Power PLC and Mrs. Nayantha Delpechitra – Company Secretary